Our Why:
We are in an environmental crisis.
And yet, the organizations and companies that work to protect our air, land, water, and community are exclusive by design. From leadership positions to photos, films, and media, these organizations comprise the dominant culture, and people from marginalized communities do not see themselves represented in outdoor spaces.
As a result, structural barriers and a lack of belonging persist and communities are prevented from scalable engagement and the building of broad and robust coalitions for each other and the outdoor spaces we all love.
Our Solution:
Storytelling is a powerful tool for activating change, building resilience among communities, and fortifying our identities as humans.
The stories of WeGotNext Ambassadors serve to inspire individuals and remove barriers to become engaged in outdoor spaces, ensuring advocates on behalf of the environment for this generation and those to come.
Our Vision:
A world where everyone is inspired to fall in love with nature because they see reflections of themselves in outdoor spaces.
Our Mission:
WeGotNext amplifies individual stories of adventure and activism from communities that have been underrepresented in outdoor, conservation and environmental spaces.
From Our Founder: In June of 2013, I was at 17000' on the tallest peak on North America with 8 other phenomenal individuals. We were the first team of African Americans to climb Denali and we were at high camp. Since the climb, we have toured Americas schools, colleges, community centers, churches, libraries, the President Barack Obama White House and a long list of environmental film festivals screening the movie, An American Ascent. We have shared our story with over 30,000 people (mostly BIPOC youth) around the country. . . they are the to be the stewards of our great wild places and in some way, Expedition Denali has impacted them.